Scrabble GO: A Fun Game to Practice and to Improve Vocabulary

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Scrabble GO is a great app we can play Scrabble game to improve and practice our vocabulary anywhere anytime.

What I like about this app is that we can play the game with some people at the same time, and we don't have to finish the game at once. We can also switch among people to play with while we're waiting for their turns. We're also able to exit the game when we're in the middle of playing it and continue later without losing any progress.

Not only that, we can also check the history of words we played and click on it to see the definition. This way, we can improve our vocabulary.

What else are there? We can also customize the tiles we use, just in case we get bored. There are various game modes like the classic one, duel with only five turns, and tournaments.

There's also level progression, challenges, and rewards. The more we play, the more we get some exp to level up and get some rewards. One of the rewards is diamonds which can be spent to buy tiles and some kind of power up.

You can download the app here


In game

Checking the word's meaning

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